Usage examples
eta_utility contains example implementations for different usages of the package. This page gives a short overview of the examples.
There are two examples for the connectors: The read_series_eneffco example illustrates a simple usage of the connectors module. It selects some data points and reads them as series data from the server.
The data_recorder example is more complex in that it uses multiple connectors, can connect to different protocols and provides a command line interface for configuration.
The forecasting example demonstrates how a machine learning model can be deployed using the connectors module to connect to data sources (in this example OPC UA). The model is a load forecasting model of a machine tool in the ETA research factory. It forecasts the electric load of the machine tool during the next 100 seconds. Input data is a time window of the last 100 seconds of 8 separate electric load signals of sub-components of the machine tool as well as the total electric load of the machine tool. The model was exported into ONNX format and is deployed using the onnxruntime module. The forecast is published to an OPC UA server that is established on the local machine using the servers module.
In the example, data is collected for 100 seconds in an internal memory. Once enough time steps are present, the inference is triggered and the forecast is published to the OPC UA server. This loop is repeated every second.
eta_x Optimization
Examples for the optimization part of the framework are also provided. The pendulum example is the simplest one of them. It implements an inverse pendulum, similar to the equivalent example in Farama gymnasium. The environment can be used for different kinds of agents and includes examples for the PPO reinforcement learning agent as well as a simple rule based controller.
The damped_oscillator example illustrates how simulation environments are created, based on the BaseEnvSim class. In this simple example, only the StateConfig and the render function need to be specified to obtain a completely functional environment. In the example, the controller will just supply random action values.
Finally, the cyber_physical_system example shows the full capabilities of the eta_utility framework. It utilizes the interaction between a simulation and an actual machine to supply advanced observations to an agent which controls the tank heating unit of an industrial parts cleaning machine. To be able to run this example, a Dymola license is needed. In the FMU model initialization (Dymola) fails with “Exception: Failed to instantiate model” it is explained how to use the license.