Source code for eta_utility.connectors.emonio

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from logging import getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pandas as pd

from eta_utility.connectors.base_classes import Connection, SubscriptionHandler
from eta_utility.connectors.modbus import ModbusConnection
from eta_utility.connectors.node import Node, NodeEmonio, NodeModbus

    from import Mapping
    from typing import Any

    from eta_utility.type_hints import Nodes, TimeStep

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EmonioConnection(Connection[NodeEmonio], protocol="emonio"): """ Thin wrapper class for the Emonio that uses a modbus TCP Connection. Internally the Emonio nodes are converted to modbus nodes with fixed parameters, expect for the name, url and channel. If nodes have specified a phase, the connection will check if the phase is connected. Additionally, the connection will check for Emonio errors and warnings (max. every minute). When creating a :class:`~node.NodeEmonio` the :attr:`~node.NodeEmonio.parameter` (and resulting modbus channel) is set by the name of the node (case insensitive). See `Available Emonio Nodes` for for possible parameter names. Alternatively, the :attr:`~node.NodeEmonio.address` (modbus channel) can be set manually. The phase is set by the :attr:`~node.NodeEmonio.phase` attribute of the node. Possible values are ``a``, ``b``, ``c`` or ``abc``, with ``abc`` being the default. """ def __init__(self, url: str, *, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio] | None = None, check_error: bool = True) -> None: """ Initialize the Emonio connection. :param url: URL of the Emonio. :param nodes: List of nodes to connect to. :param check_error: Setting to check for errors and warnings. """ self.nodes_factory = NodeModbusFactory(url) # The actual (Modbus) connection which will be used for reading self._connection = ModbusConnection(url=url) # Dictionary to keep track of the connected phases self._phases_connected: dict[str, bool] = self._get_phases_status() self.check_error = check_error self._last_error_check = - timedelta(minutes=1) self.check_warnings_and_errors() # This calls self._validate_nodes(nodes) and checks phases and errors/warnings super().__init__(url, nodes=nodes) @classmethod def _from_node(cls, node: NodeEmonio, **kwargs: Any) -> EmonioConnection: """ Create an Emonio connection from a single node. :param node: The node to connect to. :return: The Emonio connection. """ return super()._from_node(node)
[docs] def read(self, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio] | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read the values of the selected nodes. If nodes is None, all previously selected nodes will be read. :param nodes: List of nodes to read from. :return: Dataframe with the read values. """ _nodes: set[NodeEmonio] = self._validate_nodes(nodes) return
[docs] def write(self, values: Mapping[NodeEmonio, Any]) -> None: """ .. warning:: Not implemented: Writing to Emonio nodes is not supported. """ raise NotImplementedError("Writing to Emonio nodes is not supported")
[docs] def subscribe( self, handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio] | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1 ) -> None: """ Subscribe to the selected nodes. The Modbus connection does all the handling. :param handler: The handler to subscribe. :param nodes: List of nodes to subscribe to. :param interval: The interval in seconds to read the values. """ _nodes: set[NodeEmonio] = self._validate_nodes(nodes) self._connection.subscribe(handler, self._prepare_modbus_nodes(_nodes), interval)
[docs] def close_sub(self) -> None: """Close the subscription of the modus connection.""" self._connection.close_sub()
def _prepare_modbus_nodes(self, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio]) -> list[NodeModbus]: """ Convert the Emonio nodes to modbus nodes with fixed parameters. The wordorder is little because the Emonio uses zero based word indexing. All values are 32 bit float holding registers. :param nodes: List of Emonio nodes. :return: List of modbus nodes (will return empty list when no nodes are passed). """ if not isinstance(nodes, Iterable): nodes = {nodes} return [self.nodes_factory.get_default_node(, node.address) for node in nodes] def _validate_nodes(self, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio] | None) -> set[NodeEmonio]: """ Validate the nodes and return the set of nodes. If nodes is none, return the previously selected nodes. :param nodes: List of nodes to validate. :return: Set of nodes. """ _nodes: set[NodeEmonio] = super()._validate_nodes(nodes) if self.check_error: self.check_warnings_and_errors() # Check if the phases of the nodes are connected self._check_phases(_nodes) return _nodes def _get_phases_status(self) -> dict[str, bool]: """ Get connection information about the phases of the Emonio. The status is read from the discrete input registers of the Emonio. """ nodes = [self.nodes_factory.get_discrete_input_node(phase, i) for i, phase in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"])] # Read the status of the phases from the Emonio result = # Convert the result to a dictionary result = result.iloc[0].to_dict() log.debug("Connected phases: %s", result) return result def _check_phases(self, nodes: Nodes[NodeEmonio]) -> None: """ Check the connection status of the Emonio phases. :param nodes: List of nodes to check. """ if isinstance(nodes, Node): nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: phase = node.phase if phase == "abc": continue if not self._phases_connected[phase]: raise ValueError(f"Phase '{phase}' is not connected.")
[docs] def check_warnings_and_errors(self) -> None: """ Calls the error and warning check if the last check was more than a minute ago. """ now = if self._last_error_check is None: pass elif now - self._last_error_check < timedelta(minutes=1): return self._last_error_check = now self._check_warnings_and_errors()
def _check_warnings_and_errors(self) -> None: """ Check the Emonio for errors and warnings. This is done by reading the error and warning bits from the Emonio. If an error bit is set, a ValueError is raised. If a warning bit is set, a warning is logged. """ error_node = self.nodes_factory.get_warnings_errors_node("Error", 1000) warning_node = self.nodes_factory.get_warnings_errors_node("Warning", 1001) result =[error_node, warning_node]) # Check binary if corresponding error/warning bit is set for name, value in result.items(): # Convert the value to a binary string and reverse it for i, bit in enumerate(bin(value.iloc[0])[:1:-1]): if bit == "1": # chr(97) = "a", chr(98) = "b", ... msg = ( f"{name} bit '{chr(97+i)}' is set. " f"See for more information." ) if name == "Warning": log.warning(msg) else: log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] class NodeModbusFactory: """ The NodeModbusFactory is a factory class that creates NodeModbus objects with fixed parameters, expect: name, url and mb_channel. Has to be initialized with the url of the Emonio. It's a helper class for the EmonioConnection to create its modbus nodes. It also can be used to manually create a NodeModbus object, which has to be read with a ModbusConnection. (not recommended, use the EmonioConnection instead) """ def __init__(self, url: str): common = {"url": url, "protocol": "modbus", "mb_byteorder": "big"} self.default_params = { **common, "mb_wordorder": "little", "mb_register": "holding", "dtype": "float", "mb_bit_length": 32, } self.discrete_input_params = { **common, "mb_register": "discrete_input", "dtype": "bool", "mb_bit_length": 1, } self.warnings_errors_params = { **common, "mb_register": "holding", "dtype": "int", "mb_bit_length": 16, } def __return_nodes(self, name: str, channel: int, params: dict[str, Any]) -> NodeModbus: return NodeModbus(name=name, **params, mb_channel=channel)
[docs] def get_default_node(self, name: str, channel: int) -> NodeModbus: """ Create a modbus node for reading Emonio values. :param name: Name of the node. :param channel: Modbus channel of the node. (Emonio address) """ return self.__return_nodes(name, channel, self.default_params)
[docs] def get_discrete_input_node(self, name: str, channel: int) -> NodeModbus: """ Create a modbus node for reading the connection status of the Emonio phases. :param name: Name of the node. :param channel: Modbus channel of the node. (Emonio address) """ return self.__return_nodes(name, channel, self.discrete_input_params)
[docs] def get_warnings_errors_node(self, name: str, channel: int) -> NodeModbus: """ Create a modbus node for reading the error and warning registers of the Emonio. :param name: Name of the node. :param channel: Modbus channel of the node. (Emonio address) """ return self.__return_nodes(name, channel, self.warnings_errors_params)