Source code for eta_utility.connectors.eneffco

""" Utility functions for connecting to the EnEffCo database and reading data.
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
from import Mapping
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests

from eta_utility import get_logger
from eta_utility.connectors.node import Node, NodeEnEffCo

    from typing import Any
    from import Sequence
    from eta_utility.type_hints import AnyNode, Nodes, TimeStep

from .base_classes import BaseSeriesConnection, SubscriptionHandler

log = get_logger("connectors.eneffco")

[docs] class EnEffCoConnection(BaseSeriesConnection, protocol="eneffco"): """ EnEffCoConnection is a class to download and upload multiple features from and to the EnEffCo database as timeseries. :param url: URL of the server with scheme (https://). :param usr: Username in EnEffco for login. :param pwd: Password in EnEffco for login. :param api_token: Token for API authentication. :param nodes: Nodes to select in connection. """ API_PATH: str = "/API/v1.0" def __init__( self, url: str, usr: str | None, pwd: str | None, *, api_token: str, nodes: Nodes | None = None ) -> None: url = url + self.API_PATH self._api_token: str = api_token super().__init__(url, usr, pwd, nodes=nodes) if self.usr is None: raise ValueError("Username must be provided for the EnEffCo connector.") if self.pwd is None: raise ValueError("Password must be provided for the EnEffCo connector.") self._node_ids: pd.DataFrame | None = None self._node_ids_raw: pd.DataFrame | None = None self._sub: asyncio.Task | None = None self._subscription_nodes: set[NodeEnEffCo] = set() self._subscription_open: bool = False @classmethod def _from_node( cls, node: AnyNode, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> EnEffCoConnection: """Initialize the connection object from an EnEffCo protocol node object :param node: Node to initialize from. :param usr: Username to use. :param pwd: Password to use. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for API authentication, where "api_token" is required :return: EnEffCoConnection object. """ if "api_token" not in kwargs: raise AttributeError("Keyword parameter 'api_token' is missing.") api_token = kwargs["api_token"] if node.protocol == "eneffco": return cls(node.url, usr, pwd, api_token=api_token, nodes=[node]) else: raise ValueError( "Tried to initialize EnEffCoConnection from a node that does not specify eneffco as its" "protocol: {}.".format( )
[docs] @classmethod def from_ids(cls, ids: Sequence[str], url: str, usr: str, pwd: str, api_token: str) -> EnEffCoConnection: """Initialize the connection object from an EnEffCo protocol through the node IDs :param ids: Identification of the Node. :param url: URL for EnEffco connection. :param usr: Username for EnEffCo login. :param pwd: Password for EnEffCo login. :param api_token: Token for API authentication. :return: EnEffCoConnection object. """ nodes = [Node(name=name, url=url, protocol="eneffco", eneffco_code=name) for name in ids] return cls(url=url, usr=usr, pwd=pwd, api_token=api_token, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def read(self, nodes: Nodes | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Download current value from the EnEffCo Database :param nodes: List of nodes to read values from. :return: pandas.DataFrame containing the data read from the connection. """ nodes = self._validate_nodes(nodes) base_time = 1 # seconds the_time = self._round_timestamp(, base_time).replace(tzinfo=None) value = self.read_series(the_time - timedelta(seconds=base_time), the_time, nodes, base_time) return value
[docs] def write( self, values: Mapping[AnyNode, Any] | pd.Series[datetime, Any], time_interval: timedelta | None = None ) -> None: """Writes some values to the EnEffCo Database :param values: Dictionary of nodes and data to write {node: value}. :param time_interval: Interval between datapoints (i.e. between "From" and "To" in EnEffCo Upload) (default 1s). """ nodes = self._validate_nodes(values.keys()) if time_interval is None: time_interval = timedelta(seconds=1) for node in nodes: request_url = f"rawdatapoint/{self.id_from_code(node.eneffco_code, raw_datapoint=True)}/value" response = self._raw_request( "POST", request_url, data=self._prepare_raw_data(values[node], time_interval), headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "cache-control": "no-cache", "Postman-Token": self._api_token, }, params={"comment": ""}, )
def _prepare_raw_data( self, data: Mapping[datetime, Any] | pd.Series[datetime, Any], time_interval: timedelta ) -> str: """Change the input format into a compatible format with EnEffCo and filter NaN values. :param data: Data to write to node {time: value}. Could be a dictionary or a pandas Series. :param time_interval: Interval between datapoints (i.e. between "From" and "To" in EnEffCo Upload). :return upload_data: String from dictionary in the format for the upload to EnEffCo. """ if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, pd.Series): upload_data: dict[str, list[Any]] = {"Values": []} for time, val in data.items(): # Only write values if they are not nan if not np.isnan(val): time = self._assert_tz_awareness(time).astimezone(timezone.utc) upload_data["Values"].append( { "Value": float(val), "From": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ"), "To": (time + time_interval).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ"), } ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized data format for EnEffCo upload. Provide dictionary or pandas series.") return str(upload_data)
[docs] def read_info(self, nodes: Nodes | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read additional datapoint information from Database. :param nodes: List of nodes to read values from. :return: pandas.DataFrame containing the data read from the connection. """ nodes = self._validate_nodes(nodes) values = [] for node in nodes: request_url = f"datapoint/{self.id_from_code(node.eneffco_code)}" response = self._raw_request("GET", request_url) values.append(pd.Series(response.json(), return pd.concat(values, axis=1)
[docs] def subscribe(self, handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) -> None: """Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will return only the last available values. :param handler: SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs. :param interval: Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer. :param nodes: Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to. """ self.subscribe_series(handler=handler, req_interval=1, nodes=nodes, interval=interval, data_interval=interval)
[docs] def read_series( self, from_time: datetime, to_time: datetime, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Download timeseries data from the EnEffCo Database :param nodes: List of nodes to read values from. :param from_time: Starting time to begin reading (included in output). :param to_time: Time to stop reading at (not included in output). :param interval: Interval between time steps. It is interpreted as seconds if given as integer. :param kwargs: Other parameters (ignored by this connector). :return: Pandas DataFrame containing the data read from the connection. """ _interval = interval if isinstance(interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=interval) nodes = self._validate_nodes(nodes) def read_node(node: NodeEnEffCo) -> pd.DataFrame: request_url = "datapoint/{}/value?from={}&to={}&timeInterval={}&includeNanValues=True".format( self.id_from_code(node.eneffco_code), self.timestr_from_datetime(from_time), self.timestr_from_datetime(to_time), str(int(_interval.total_seconds())), ) response = self._raw_request("GET", request_url).json() data = pd.DataFrame( data=(r["Value"] for r in response), index=pd.to_datetime([r["From"] for r in response], utc=True, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").tz_convert( self._local_tz ), columns=[], dtype="float64", ) = "Time (with timezone)" return data with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: results =, nodes) values = pd.concat(results, axis=1, sort=False) return values
[docs] def subscribe_series( self, handler: SubscriptionHandler, req_interval: TimeStep, offset: TimeStep | None = None, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, data_interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will always return a series of values. If nodes with different intervals should be subscribed, multiple connection objects are needed. :param handler: SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs. :param req_interval: Duration covered by requested data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int. :param offset: Offset from from which to start requesting data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int. Use negative values to go to past timestamps. :param data_interval: Time interval between values in returned data. Interpreted as seconds if given as int. :param interval: interval (between requests) for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer. :param nodes: Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to. :param kwargs: Other, ignored parameters. """ nodes = self._validate_nodes(nodes) interval = interval if isinstance(interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=interval) req_interval = req_interval if isinstance(req_interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=req_interval) if offset is None: offset = -req_interval else: offset = offset if isinstance(offset, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=offset) data_interval = data_interval if isinstance(data_interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=data_interval) self._subscription_nodes.update(nodes) if self._subscription_open: # Adding nodes to subscription is enough to include them in the query. Do not start an additional loop # if one already exists return self._subscription_open = True loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._sub = loop.create_task( self._subscription_loop( handler, int(interval.total_seconds()), req_interval, offset, data_interval, ) )
[docs] def close_sub(self) -> None: """Close an open subscription.""" self._subscription_open = False if self.exc: raise self.exc try: self._sub.cancel() # type: ignore except Exception: pass
async def _subscription_loop( self, handler: SubscriptionHandler, interval: TimeStep, req_interval: TimeStep, offset: TimeStep, data_interval: TimeStep, ) -> None: """The subscription loop handles requesting data from the server in the specified interval :param handler: Handler object with a push function to receive data. :param interval: Interval for requesting data in seconds. :param req_interval: Duration covered by the requested data. :param offset: Offset from from which to start requesting data (time interval). Use negative values to go to past timestamps. :param data_interval: Interval between data points. """ interval = interval if isinstance(interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=interval) req_interval = req_interval if isinstance(req_interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=req_interval) data_interval = data_interval if isinstance(data_interval, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=data_interval) offset = offset if isinstance(offset, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=offset) try: while self._subscription_open: from_time = + offset to_time = from_time + req_interval values = self.read_series(from_time, to_time, self._subscription_nodes, interval=data_interval) for node in self._subscription_nodes: handler.push(node, values[]) await asyncio.sleep(interval.total_seconds()) except BaseException as e: self.exc = e
[docs] def id_from_code(self, code: str, raw_datapoint: bool = False) -> str: """ Function to get the raw EnEffCo ID corresponding to a specific (raw) datapoint :param code: Exact EnEffCo code. :param raw_datapoint: Returns raw datapoint ID. """ # Only build lists of IDs if they are not available yet if self._node_ids is None: response = self._raw_request("GET", "/datapoint") self._node_ids = pd.DataFrame(data=response.json()) if self._node_ids_raw is None: response = self._raw_request("GET", "/rawdatapoint") self._node_ids_raw = pd.DataFrame(data=response.json()) if raw_datapoint: if len(self._node_ids_raw.loc[self._node_ids_raw["Code"] == code, "Id"]) > 0: return self._node_ids_raw.loc[self._node_ids_raw["Code"] == code, "Id"].values.item() else: raise ValueError(f"Code {code} does not exist on server {self.url}.") else: if len(self._node_ids.loc[self._node_ids["Code"] == code, "Id"]) > 0: return self._node_ids.loc[self._node_ids["Code"] == code, "Id"].values.item() else: raise ValueError(f"Code {code} does not exist on server {self.url}.")
[docs] def timestr_from_datetime(self, dt: datetime) -> str: """Create an EnEffCo compatible time string. :param dt: Datetime object to convert to string. :return: EnEffCo compatible time string. """ return dt.isoformat(sep="T", timespec="seconds").replace(":", "%3A").replace("+", "%2B")
def _raw_request(self, method: str, endpoint: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """Perform EnEffCo request and handle possibly resulting errors. :param method: HTTP request method. :param endpoint: Endpoint for the request (server URI is added automatically). :param kwargs: Additional arguments for the request. """ assert self.usr is not None, "Make sure to specify a username before performing EnEffCo requests." assert self.pwd is not None, "Make sure to specify a password before performing EnEffCo requests." response = requests.request( method, self.url + "/" + str(endpoint), auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.usr, self.pwd), **kwargs ) # Check for request errors if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: # Status 200 for GET requests, 204 for POST requests error = f"EnEffco Error {response.status_code}" try: if hasattr(response, "json") and "Message" in response.json(): error = f"{error}: {response.json()['Message']}" except ValueError: pass if response.status_code == 401: error = f"{error}: Access Forbidden, Invalid login info" elif response.status_code == 404: error = f"{error}: Endpoint not found '{self.url + str(endpoint)}'" elif response.status_code == 500: error = f"{error}: Server is unavailable" raise ConnectionError(error) return response def _validate_nodes(self, nodes: Nodes | None) -> set[NodeEnEffCo]: # type: ignore vnodes = super()._validate_nodes(nodes) _nodes = set() for node in vnodes: if isinstance(node, NodeEnEffCo): _nodes.add(node) return _nodes