Source code for eta_utility.connectors.util

from __future__ import annotations

import struct
from asyncio import sleep as async_sleep
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import groupby
from time import sleep
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pandas as pd

from eta_utility.util import ensure_timezone

    from import Iterable, Sequence
    from typing import Any, Callable

    from eta_utility.type_hints import AnyNode, TimeStep

[docs] class RetryWaiter: """Helper class which keeps track of waiting time before retrying a connection.""" values = [0, 1, 3, 5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60] def __init__(self) -> None: self.counter = 0
[docs] def tried(self) -> None: """Register a retry with the RetryWaiter.""" self.counter += 1
[docs] def success(self) -> None: """Register a successful connection with the RetryWaiter.""" self.counter = 0
@property def wait_time(self) -> int: """Return the time to wait for.""" if self.counter >= len(self.values) - 1: return self.values[-1] else: return self.values[self.counter]
[docs] def wait(self) -> None: """Wait/sleep synchronously.""" sleep(self.wait_time)
[docs] async def wait_async(self) -> None: """Wait/sleep asynchronously - must be awaited.""" await async_sleep(self.wait_time)
[docs] def decode_modbus_value( value: Sequence[int], byteorder: str, type_: Callable | None = None, wordorder: str = "big" ) -> Any: r"""Method to decode incoming modbus values. Strings are always decoded as utf-8 values. If you do not want this behaviour specify 'bytes' as the data type. :param value: Current value to be decoded into float. :param byteorder: Byteorder for decoding i.e. 'little' or 'big' endian. :param type\_: Type of the output value. See `Python struct format character documentation <>` for all possible format strings (default: f). :return: Decoded value as a python type. """ if byteorder not in ("little", "big"): raise ValueError(f"Specified an invalid byteorder: '{byteorder}'") if wordorder not in ("little", "big"): raise ValueError(f"Specified an invalid wordorder: '{wordorder}'") bo = "<" if byteorder == "little" else ">" # Swap words if word order is little endian if type_ is int or type_ is float: if wordorder == "little": value = value[::-1] dtype, _len = _get_decode_params(value, type_) # Boolean values don't need decoding if type_ is bool: return bool(value[0]) # Determine the format strings for packing and unpacking the received byte sequences. These format strings # depend on the endianness (determined by bo), the length of the value in bytes and the data type. pack = f">{len(value):1d}H" unpack = f"{bo}{_len}{dtype}" # Convert the value into the appropriate format val = struct.unpack(unpack, struct.pack(pack, *value))[0] if type_ is str: try: val = type_(val, "utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: val = "" elif type_ is not None: val = type_(val) else: val = float(val) return val
def _get_decode_params(value: Sequence[int], type_: Callable | None = None) -> tuple[str, int]: if type_ is str or type_ is bytes: dtype = "s" _len = len(value) * 2 elif type_ is bool: dtype = "?" _len = 1 if _len != len(value): raise ValueError(f"The length of the received value ({len(value)})does not match the data type {type_}") elif type_ is int: _int_types = {1: "b", 2: "h", 4: "i", 8: "q"} _len = 1 try: dtype = _int_types[len(value) * 2] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"The length of the received value ({len(value)})does not match the data type {type_}") elif type_ is float or type_ is None: _float_types = {2: "e", 4: "f", 8: "d"} _len = 1 try: dtype = _float_types[len(value) * 2] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"The length of the received value ({len(value)}) does not match the data type: {type_}") else: raise ValueError(f"The given modbus data type was not recognized: {type_}") return dtype, _len
[docs] def encode_bits( value: str | int | float | bytes, byteorder: str, bit_length: int, type_: Callable | None = None ) -> list[int]: r"""Method to encode python data type to modbus value. This means an array of bytes to send to a modbus server. :param value: Current value to be decoded into float. :param byteorder: Byteorder for decoding i.e. 'little' or 'big' endian. :param bit_length: Length of the value in bits. :param type\_: Type of the output value. See `Python struct format character documentation <>` for all possible format strings (default: f). :return: Decoded value as a python type. """ byte_length = bit_length // 8 # Make sure that value is of the type specified by the node. if type_ is not None: value = type_(value) if isinstance(value, int): if value < 0: _types = {1: "b", 2: "h", 4: "i", 8: "q"} else: _types = {1: "B", 2: "H", 4: "I", 8: "Q"} try: _type = _types[byte_length] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Byte length for integers must be either 1, 2, 4 or 8. Got {byte_length}.") _len: str | int = "" elif isinstance(value, float): _types = {2: "e", 4: "f", 8: "d"} try: _type = _types[byte_length] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Byte length for floats must be either 4 or 8. Got {byte_length}.") _len = "" else: _type = "s" _len = byte_length if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = bytes(value, "utf-8") _order = {"big": ">", "little": "<"} try: bo = _order[byteorder] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown byte order specified: {byteorder}") try: byte = struct.pack(f"{bo}{_len}{_type}", value) except struct.error: raise ValueError(f"Could not convert value {value!r} to bits.") bitstrings = [f"{bin(x)[2:]:0>8}" for x in byte] return [int(z) for z in "".join(bitstrings)]
[docs] def bitarray_to_registers(bits: list[int | bool]) -> list[int]: """Convert a list of bits into a list of 16 bit 'bytes'.""" # Make sure that _bits is a list of integers, not bools. _bits = [int(x) for x in bits] if isinstance(bits[0], bool) else bits b_size = (len(_bits) + 15) // 16 register_list = [0] * b_size for i in range(0, b_size): start = i * 16 register_list[i] = int("".join([str(v) for v in _bits[start : start + 16]]), 2) return register_list
[docs] def all_equal(iterable: Iterable[Any]) -> bool: """Check if all values inside iterable are equal :param iterable: python iterable :return: True if all values are equal False elsewhere """ g = groupby(iterable) return bool(next(g, True)) and not bool(next(g, False))
[docs] class IntervalChecker: """Class for the subscription interval checking.""" def __init__(self) -> None: #: Dictionary that stores the value and the time for checking changes and the time interval self.node_latest_values: dict[AnyNode, list] = {} #: :py:func:`eta_utility.util.ensure_timezone` self._assert_tz_awareness = ensure_timezone
[docs] def push( self, node: AnyNode, value: Any | pd.Series | Sequence[Any], timestamp: datetime | pd.DatetimeIndex | TimeStep | None = None, ) -> None: """Push value and time in dictionary for a node. If the value doesn't change compared to the previous timestamp, the push is skipped. :param node: Node to check. :param value: Value from the subscription. :param timestamp: Time of the incoming value of the node. """ if node in self.node_latest_values: if value != self.node_latest_values[node][0]: self.node_latest_values[node] = [value, timestamp] elif node.interval is not None: self.node_latest_values[node] = [value, timestamp]
[docs] def check_interval_connection(self) -> bool | None: """Check the interval between old and new value. If no interval has been defined, the check interval is skipped. :return: Boolean for the interval check. """ # Get the current time to compare the interval time = self._assert_tz_awareness( if len(self.node_latest_values) > 0: for node in self.node_latest_values: _time_since_last_check = ( (time - self.node_latest_values[node][1]).total_seconds() if node in self.node_latest_values else None ) if node in self.node_latest_values and _time_since_last_check is not None: if _time_since_last_check <= float(node.interval): # type: ignore _changed_within_interval = True else: _changed_within_interval = False break else: _changed_within_interval = True else: _changed_within_interval = True return _changed_within_interval