Source code for eta_utility.eta_x.agents.rule_based

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3.common.base_class import BaseAlgorithm

from eta_utility import get_logger

    import io
    import pathlib
    from typing import Any

    import torch as th
    from stable_baselines3.common.policies import BasePolicy
    from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import GymEnv, MaybeCallback
    from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecEnv

log = get_logger("eta_x.agents")

[docs] class RuleBased(BaseAlgorithm, abc.ABC): """The rule based agent base class provides the facilities to easily build a complete rule based agent. To achieve this, only the *control_rules* function must be implemented. It should take an observation from the environment as input and provide actions as an output. :param policy: Agent policy. Parameter is not used in this agent and can be set to NoPolicy. :param env: Environment to be controlled. :param verbose: Logging verbosity. :param kwargs: Additional arguments as specified in stable_baselins3.commom.base_class. """ def __init__( self, policy: type[BasePolicy], env: VecEnv, verbose: int = 4, _init_setup_model: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: # Ensure that arguments required by super class are always present super().__init__(policy=policy, env=env, verbose=verbose, learning_rate=0, **kwargs) #: Last / initial State of the agent. self.state: np.ndarray | None = ( np.zeros(self.action_space.shape) if self.action_space is not None else None # type: ignore ) self.policy_class: type[BasePolicy] if _init_setup_model: self._setup_model()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def control_rules(self, observation: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """This function is abstract and should be used to implement control rules which determine actions from the received observations. :param observation: Observations as provided by a single, non vectorized environment. :return: Action values, as determined by the control rules. """
[docs] def predict( self, observation: np.ndarray | dict[str, np.ndarray], state: tuple[np.ndarray, ...] | None = None, episode_start: np.ndarray | None = None, deterministic: bool = True, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, tuple[np.ndarray, ...] | None]: """Perform controller operations and return actions. It will take care of vectorization of environments. This will call the control_rules method which should implement the control rules for a single environment. :param observation: the input observation. :param state: The last states (not used here). :param episode_start: The last masks (not used here). :param deterministic: Whether to return deterministic actions. This agent always returns deterministic actions. :return: Tuple of the model's action and the next state (state is typically None in this agent). """ action = [] for idx, obs in enumerate(observation): action.append(np.array(self.control_rules(obs))) log.debug(f"Action vector for environment {idx}: {action[-1]}") return np.array(action), None
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, path: str | pathlib.Path | io.BufferedIOBase, env: GymEnv | None = None, device: th.device | str = "auto", custom_objects: dict[str, Any] | None = None, print_system_info: bool = False, force_reset: bool = True, _init_setup_model: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> RuleBased: """ Load the model from a zip-file. Warning: ``load`` re-creates the model from scratch, it does not update it in-place! :param path: path to the file (or a file-like) where to load the agent from. :param env: the new environment to run the loaded model on (can be None if you only need prediction from a trained model) has priority over any saved environment. :param device: Device on which the code should run.. :param custom_objects: Dictionary of objects to replace upon loading. If a variable is present in this dictionary as a key, it will not be deserialized and the corresponding item will be used instead. Similar to custom_objects in ``keras.models.load_model``. Useful when you have an object in file that can not be deserialized. :param print_system_info: Whether to print system info from the saved model and the current system info (useful to debug loading issues) :param force_reset: Force a call to ``reset()`` before training to avoid unexpected behavior. See :param kwargs: extra arguments to change the model when loading. """ if env is None: raise ValueError("Parameter env must be specified.") model: RuleBased = super().load(path, env, device, custom_objects, print_system_info, force_reset, **kwargs) return model
def _get_pretrain_placeholders(self) -> None: """Getting tensorflow pretrain placeholders is not implemented for the rule based agent.""" raise NotImplementedError("The rule based agent cannot provide tensorflow pretrain placeholders.")
[docs] def get_parameter_list(self) -> None: """Getting tensorflow parameters is not implemented for the rule based agent.""" raise NotImplementedError("The rule pased agent cannot provide a tensorflow parameter list.")
[docs] def learn( self, total_timesteps: int, callback: MaybeCallback = None, log_interval: int = 100, tb_log_name: str = "run", reset_num_timesteps: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> RuleBased: """Return a trained model. Learning is not implemented for the rule based agent. :param total_timesteps: The total number of samples (env steps) to train on. :param callback: Callback(s) called at every step with state of the algorithm. :param log_interval: The number of timesteps before logging. :param tb_log_name: The name of the run for TensorBoard logging. :param reset_num_timesteps: Wether or not to reset the current timestep number (used in logging). :param progress_bar: Display a progress bar using tqdm and rich. :return: The trained model. """ return self
def _setup_model(self) -> None: if self.policy_class is not None: self.policy: type[BasePolicy] = self.policy_class( # type: ignore self.observation_space, self.action_space, )
[docs] def action_probability( self, observation: np.ndarray, state: np.ndarray | None = None, mask: np.ndarray | None = None, actions: np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Get the model's action probability distribution from an observation. This is not implemented for this agent.""" raise NotImplementedError("The rule based agent cannot calculate action probabilities.")