Source code for eta_utility.eta_x.common.callbacks

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import BaseCallback, CallbackList

from eta_utility import get_logger
from eta_utility.eta_x.envs import BaseEnv

    from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import MaybeCallback

log = get_logger("eta_x")

[docs] class CallbackEnvironment: """This callback should be called at the end of each episode. When multiprocessing is used, no global variables are available (as an own python instance is created). :param plot_interval: How many episodes to pass between each render call. """ def __init__(self, plot_interval: int) -> None: self.plot_interval = plot_interval
[docs] def __call__(self, env: BaseEnv) -> None: """ This callback should be called at the end of each episode. When multiprocessing is used, no global variables are available (as an own python instance is created). :param env: Instance of the environment where the callback was triggered. """ "Environment callback triggered (env_id = {}, n_episodes = {}, run_name = {}.".format( env.env_id, env.n_episodes, env.run_name ) ) # render first episode if env.n_episodes == 1: env.render() # render progress over episodes (for each environment individually) elif env.n_episodes % self.plot_interval == 0: env.render() if hasattr(env, "render_episodes"): env.render_episodes()
[docs] def merge_callbacks(*args: MaybeCallback) -> CallbackList: """Take a number of arguments and merge them into a CallbackList object if they instantiate BaseCallback. :param args: List of callbacks. :return: CallbackList object which merges all callbacks. """ cb_list = [] for cb in args: if isinstance(cb, BaseCallback): cb_list.append(cb) elif isinstance(cb, list): merge_callbacks(*cb) elif cb is None: continue else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid callback type: {type(cb)}.") return CallbackList(cb_list)