eta_utility.util module
- eta_utility.util.get_logger(name: str | None = None, level: int | None = None, format: str | None = None) logging.Logger [source]
Get eta_utility specific logger.
Call this without specifying a name to initiate logging. Set the “level” and “format” parameters to determine log output.
When using this function internally (inside eta_utility) a name should always be specified to avoid leaking logging info to external loggers. Also note that this can only be called once without specifying a name! Subsequent calls will have no effect.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the logger.
level – Logging level (higher is more verbose between 0 - no output and 4 - debug).
format – Format of the log output. One of: simple, logname, time. (default: simple).
- Returns:
The eta_utility logger.
- eta_utility.util.log_add_filehandler(filename: Path, level: int | None = None, format: str | None = None) logging.Logger [source]
Add a file handler to the logger to save the log output.
- Parameters:
logger – Logger where file handler is added.
filename – File path where logger is stored.
level – Logging level (higher is more verbose between 0 - no output and 4 - debug).
format – Format of the log output. One of: simple, logname, time. (default: time).
- Returns:
The FileHandler logger.
- eta_utility.util.log_add_streamhandler(level: int | None = None, format: str | None = None) logging.Logger [source]
Add a stream handler to the logger to show the log output.
- Parameters:
level – Logging level (higher is more verbose between 0 - no output and 4 - debug).
format – Format of the log output. One of: simple, logname, time. (default: time).
- Returns:
The eta_utility logger with an attached StreamHandler
- eta_utility.util.json_import(path: Path) list[Any] | dict[str, Any] [source]
Extend standard JSON import to allow ‘//’ comments in JSON files.
- Parameters:
path – Path to JSON file.
- Returns:
Parsed dictionary.
- eta_utility.util.url_parse(url: str | None, scheme: str = '') tuple[ParseResult, str | None, str | None] [source]
Extend parsing of URL strings to find passwords and remove them from the original URL.
- Parameters:
url – URL string to be parsed.
- Returns:
Tuple of ParseResult object and two strings for username and password.
- eta_utility.util.dict_get_any(dikt: dict[str, Any], *names: str, fail: bool = True, default: Any = None) Any [source]
Get any of the specified items from dictionary, if any are available. The function will return the first value it finds, even if there are multiple matches.
- Parameters:
dikt – Dictionary to get values from.
names – Item names to look for.
fail – Flag to determine, if the function should fail with a KeyError, if none of the items are found. If this is False, the function will return the value specified by ‘default’.
default – Value to return, if none of the items are found and ‘fail’ is False.
- Returns:
Value from dictionary.
- Raise:
KeyError, if none of the requested items are available and fail is True.
- eta_utility.util.dict_pop_any(dikt: dict[str, Any], *names: str, fail: bool = True, default: Any = None) Any [source]
Pop any of the specified items from dictionary, if any are available. The function will return the first value it finds, even if there are multiple matches. This function removes the found values from the dictionary!
- Parameters:
dikt – Dictionary to pop values from.
names – Item names to look for.
fail – Flag to determine, if the function should fail with a KeyError, if none of the items are found. If this is False, the function will return the value specified by ‘default’.
default – Value to return, if none of the items are found and ‘fail’ is False.
- Returns:
Value from dictionary.
- Raise:
KeyError, if none of the requested items are available and fail is True.
- eta_utility.util.dict_search(dikt: dict[str, str], val: str) str [source]
Function to get key of _psr_types dictionary, given value. Raise ValueError in case of value not specified in data.
- Parameters:
val – value to search
data – dictionary to search for value
- Returns:
key of the dictionary
- eta_utility.util.deep_mapping_update(source: Any, overrides: Mapping[str, str | Mapping[str, Any]]) dict[str, str | Mapping[str, Any]] [source]
Perform a deep update of a nested dictionary or similar mapping.
- Parameters:
source – Original mapping to be updated.
overrides – Mapping with new values to integrate into the new mapping.
- Returns:
New Mapping with values from the source and overrides combined.
- eta_utility.util.csv_export(path: Path, data: Mapping[str, Any] | Sequence[Mapping[str, Any] | Any] | pd.DataFrame, names: Sequence[str] | None = None, index: Sequence[int] | pd.DatetimeIndex | None = None, *, sep: str = ';', decimal: str = '.') None [source]
Export data to CSV file.
- Parameters:
path – Directory path to export data.
data – Data to be saved.
names – Field names used when data is a Matrix without column names.
index – Optional sequence to set an index
sep – Separator to use between the fields.
decimal – Sign to use for decimal points.
- eta_utility.util.replace_decimal_str(value: str | float, decimal: str = '.') str [source]
Replace the decimal sign in a string.
- Parameters:
value – The value to replace in.
decimal – New decimal sign.
- eta_utility.util.ensure_timezone(dt_value: datetime) datetime [source]
Helper function to check if datetime has timezone and if not assign local time zone.
- Parameters:
dt_value – Datetime object
- Returns:
datetime object with timezone information
- eta_utility.util.round_timestamp(dt_value: datetime, interval: float = 1, ensure_tz: bool = True) datetime [source]
Helper method for rounding date time objects to specified interval in seconds. The method will also add local timezone information is None in datetime and if ensure_timezone is True.
- Parameters:
dt_value – Datetime object to be rounded
interval – Interval in seconds to be rounded to
ensure_tz – Boolean value to ensure or not timezone info in datetime
- Returns:
Rounded datetime object
- class eta_utility.util.KeyCertPair(key: PrivateKey, cert: x509.Certificate)[source]
KeyCertPair is a wrapper for an RSA private key file and a corresponding x509 certificate. Implementations provide a contextmanager “tempfiles”, which provides access to the certificate files and the properties key and cert, which contain the RSA key and certificate information.
- property key: PrivateKey
RSA private key for the certificate.
- property cert: Certificate
x509 certificate information.
- class eta_utility.util.SelfsignedKeyCertPair(common_name: str, passphrase: str | None = None, country: str | None = None, province: str | None = None, city: str | None = None, organization: str | None = None)[source]
Self signed key and certificate pair for use with the connectors.
- Parameters:
common_name – Common name the certificate should be valid for.
passphrase – Pass phrase for encryption of the private key.
country – Country code for the certificate owner, for example “DE” oder “US”.
province – Province name of the certificate owner. Empty by default.
city – City name of the certificate owner. Empty by default.
organization – Name of the certificate owner’s organization. “OPC UA Client” by default.
- generate_cert(common_name: str, country: str | None = None, province: str | None = None, city: str | None = None, organization: str | None = None) tuple[rsa.RSAPrivateKey, x509.Certificate] [source]
Generate a self signed key and certificate pair for use with the connectors.
- Parameters:
common_name – Common name the certificate should be valid for.
country – Country code for the certificate owner, for example “DE” oder “US”.
province – Province name of the certificate owner. Empty by default.
city – City name of the certificate owner. Empty by default.
organization – Name of the certificate owner’s organization. “OPC UA Client” by default.
- Returns:
Tuple of RSA private key and x509 certificate.
- class eta_utility.util.PEMKeyCertPair(key_path: Path, cert_path: Path, passphrase: str | None)[source]
Load a PEM formatted key and certificate pair from files.
- Parameters:
key_path – Path to the PEM formatted RSA private key file.
cert_path – Path to the PEM formatted certificate file.
passphrase – Pass phrase for encryption of the private key.