eta_utility.connectors.cumulocity module
- class eta_utility.connectors.cumulocity.CumulocityConnection(url: str, usr: str | None, pwd: str | None, *, tenant: str, nodes: Nodes | None = None)[source]
CumulocityConnection is a class to download and upload multiple features from and to the Cumulocity database as timeseries.
- Parameters:
url – URL of the server without scheme (https://).
usr – Username in Cumulocity for login.
pwd – Password in Cumulocity for login.
tenant – Cumulocity tenant.
nodes – Nodes to select in connection.
- read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame [source]
Download current value from the Cumulocity Database
- Parameters:
nodes – List of nodes to read values from.
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame containing the data read from the connection.
- write(values: pd.Series[datetime, Any], measurement_type: str, unit: str, nodes: Nodes | None = None) None [source]
Write values to the cumulocity Database
- Parameters:
values – Pandas Series containing the data. Make sure the index is a Datetimeindex. If fragment is not specified for node, make sure the pd.Series has name since it will be used as replacement.
measurement_type – The type of the measurement to be written.
unit – The unit of the values.
nodes – List of nodes to write values to.
- subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None [source]
Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will return only the last available values.
- Parameters:
handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.
interval – Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.
nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.
- read_series(from_time: datetime, to_time: datetime, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep | None = None, **kwargs: Any) pd.DataFrame [source]
Download timeseries data from the Cumulocity Database
- Parameters:
nodes – List of nodes to read values from.
from_time – Starting time to begin reading.
to_time – Time to stop reading at.
interval – Interval between time steps. It is interpreted as seconds if given as integer (ignored by this connector).
kwargs – Other parameters (ignored by this connector).
- Returns:
Pandas DataFrame containing the data read from the connection.
- subscribe_series(handler: SubscriptionHandler, req_interval: TimeStep, offset: TimeStep | None = None, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, data_interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will always return a series of values. If nodes with different intervals should be subscribed, multiple connection objects are needed.
- Parameters:
handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.
req_interval – Duration covered by requested data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int.
offset – Offset from from which to start requesting data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int. Use negative values to go to past timestamps.
data_interval – Time interval between values in returned data. Interpreted as seconds if given as int.
interval – interval (between requests) for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.
nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.
kwargs – Other, ignored parameters.
- static create_device(url: str, username: str, password: str, tenant: str, device_name: str) None [source]
Create a cumulocity device.
- Parameters:
url – URL of the server without scheme (https://).
usr – Username in Cumulocity for login.
pwd – Password in Cumulocity for login.
tenant – Cumulocity tenant.
device_name – Name of the to be created device.
- static get_measurement_ids_by_device(url: str, username: str, password: str, tenant: str, device_id: str) list [source]
Returns a list of all measurement IDs that the specified device holds.
- Parameters:
url – URL of the server without scheme (https://).
usr – Username in Cumulocity for login.
pwd – Password in Cumulocity for login.
tenant – Cumulocity tenant.
device_id – ID of the device to retrieve the measurement IDs from.