

class eta_utility.connectors.OpcUaConnection(url: str, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None, *, nodes: Nodes | None = None, key_cert: KeyCertPair | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

The OPC UA Connection class allows reading and writing from and to OPC UA servers. Additionally, it implements a subscription method, which reads continuously in a specified interval.

  • url – URL of the OPC UA Server.

  • usr – Username in OPC UA for login.

  • pwd – Password in OPC UA for login.

  • nodes – List of nodes to use for all operations.

classmethod from_ids(ids: Sequence[str], url: str, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None) OpcUaConnection[source]

Initialize the connection object from an OPC UA protocol through the node IDs.

  • ids – Identification of the Node.

  • url – URL for connection.

  • usr – Username in OPC UA for login.

  • pwd – Password in OPC UA for login.


OpcUaConnection object.

read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]

Read some manually selected values from OPC UA capable controller.


nodes – List of nodes to read from.


pandas.DataFrame containing current values of the OPC UA-variables.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during reading.

write(values: Mapping[AnyNode, Any]) None[source]

Writes some manually selected values on OPC UA capable controller.


values – Dictionary of nodes and data to write {node: value}.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during reading.

create_nodes(nodes: Nodes) None[source]

Create nodes on the server from a list of nodes. This will try to create the entire node path.


nodes – List or set of nodes to create.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during node creation.

delete_nodes(nodes: Nodes) None[source]

Delete the given nodes and their parents (if the parents do not have other children).


nodes – List or set of nodes to be deleted.


ConnectionError – If deletion of nodes fails.

subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. Basic architecture of the subscription is the client- server communication via subscription notify. This function works asynchronously. Subscriptions must always be closed using the close_sub function (use try, finally!).

  • nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.

  • interval – Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

close_sub() None[source]

Close an open subscription.


class eta_utility.connectors.node.NodeOpcUa(name: str, url: str, protocol: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Node for the OPC UA protocol.

opc_id: str | None

Node ID of the OPC UA Node.

opc_path_str: str | None

Path to the OPC UA node.

opc_ns: int | None

Namespace of the OPC UA Node.

opc_id_type: str

Type of the OPC UA Node ID Specification.

opc_name: str

Name of the OPC UA Node.

opc_path: list[NodeOpcUa]

Path to the OPC UA node in list representation. Nodes in this list can be used to access any parent objects.

name: str

Name for the node.

url: str

URL of the connection.

url_parsed: ParseResult

Parse result object of the URL (in case more post-processing is required).

usr: str | None

Username for login to the connection (default: None).

pwd: str | None

Password for login to the connection (default: None).

interval: str | None


dtype: Callable | None

Data type of the node (for value conversion). Note that strings will be interpreted as utf-8 encoded. If you do not want this behaviour, use ‘bytes’.